Fako News Centre presents 2015 Cameroon GCE Results Analysis;
A team of 16 men and women in Buea was hired by Fako News Centre to scrutinise the results of every school (more than 500) in Cameroon that entered students for the 2015 Cameroon GCE examinations. Some schools, unfortunately, use the headline percentage pass rate (passed in any 4 or more subjects) to disguise poor performances in English language and mathematics. With an analysis like this, there is no hiding place for any school.
Payment for this very tedious exercise of analysing the results, including GCE results booklets and other resources, were made by Fako UK, who are the sponsors of Fako News Centre. We thank all those principals of high schools who spoke to us and encouraged us to do analysis like this for parents and the general public to know which schools are doing well not only in the overall pass rate, but also in individual subjects, especially mathematics and English language, and the quality of grades achieved by the students.
PART A; General performances including outstanding students
At the Ordinary level, 21 students achieved 32 or 33 GCE points (4 students had 11As each and 17 had 10As and 1B each) of which 5 came from Saker Baptist College, Limbe, 3 from St Benedict’s College Mvolye, Yaounde, 2 from Sacred Heart College, Bamenda, 2 from Sacred Heart Douala, 2 from Bilingual Grammar School, Molyko, Buea and 1 each from seven other schools. The best O-level student in Cameroon was Mandjob Anne Haley (11As) from a school in Yaounde called ‘We Care Secondary School’ (WCSS).
At the Advanced level, the number of students who had 5As dropped from 32 in 2014 to 16 this year, 2015. Some High School principals say the reason for the drop is because of the new further mathematics syllabus which resulted in an exam that many students found very difficult hence lower grades. Of the 16 students who achieved 5As, 3 came from Bilingual Grammar School, Molyko, Buea, 2 from Sacred Heart College Bamenda, 2 from GBHS Bafoussam and 1 each from nine other schools. The best A level student in Cameroon was Daniel Nkameni (5As) of GBHS Bafoussam.
PART B; English Language and mathematics (the core subjects)
Overall, the number of passes in English improved from 13.26% in 2014 to 26.23% this year, still poor. Also in English, the total number of A grades increased from 4 (four) in 2014 to 67 this year. Of the 67 A grades in English, 7 were from Our Lady of Lourdes Bamenda, 5 from Saker Baptist College, Limbe, 4 from Sacred Heart College, Bamenda, the rest coming from other schools across the country.
Overall, maths results improved slightly from 9.4% in 2014 to 12.41% this year, still very poor.
The ranking of schools is based on exam results and nothing else. You can see from the list below that some new schools, especially those in Yaounde and Douala, have overtaken some of the older ‘big names’ in the North West and South West. A few big names, such as Sasse College, St Augustine College Nso, CPC Bali, Baptist High School, Buea, are struggling to catch up with their old and new rivals. Sacred Heart College, Bamenda, came 1st overall again and also beat every school in the country in the average number of A grades per student at the Advanced level and the Ordinary level. Bilingual Grammar School, Molyko, Buea, emerged overall best government school in Cameroon.
In analysing the results, we have looked at seven measures, as we did last year, for each school and put them under two headings of Quantity and Quality; five for O-levels and two for A-levels. They are;
1) O-levels;(i)Quantity: a) overall percentage pass rate, b) percentage of students who passed overall including both maths and English
(ii)Quality;a) the average number of A grades achieved, and then expressed as a percentage of the highest grade ‘A’ average in Cameroon, which was achieved by Sacred Heart College Bamenda(3.774 A grades per student), b) the percentage of students who achieved an A grade in maths, c) the percentage of students who achieved an A grade in English.
All the percentages from above are then added together to give a total score for O-levels and the O-level ranking.
2) A-levels. At the A-Levels, students specialise in what they are good at, so we use two measures only; overall percentage pass rate for Quantity and the percentage grade A average for Quality. Sacred Heart College Bamenda had the highest grade A average at the A-levels (0.9053). The two percentages above are then added together to give the total A-levels score and the A-level ranking.
AND THEN, the Overall ranking=points for O levels plus points for A levels.
1st overall) Sacred Heart College, Bamenda (1st last year); 551.64 pts
a) O-level: i) quantity;93 out of 93 passed overall giving a 100% pass rate; 87 out of the 93 students passed overall including both maths and English, giving 95.55%, 1st in Cameroon; ii) quality; the 93 students achieved a total of 351 A grades, giving an average of 3.774 A grades per student, giving 3.774/3.774 x 100= 100%, 1st in Cameroon; 51 out of 93 students had an A grade in maths, 51/93 x 100= 54.84%, 1st in Cameroon; 4 out of 93 students had an A grade in English, 4/93 x 100 = 4.30%, 3rd in Cameroon. Total points for O-levels = 100+93.55+100+54.84+4.30 = 352.69, 1st in Cameroon at the O-level (1st last year as well)
GCE Board Honour Roll; Ngwa Jude Shu (11As), Cheo Fusi Brandon(10As and 1B),
b) A-level: i) quantity; 94 out of 95 passed, giving 98.95% pass rate; ii) quality; the 95 students achieved 86 A grades, giving an average of 0.9053 A grade per student, giving 0.9053/0.9053 x 100 = 100%, 1st in Cameroon.
Total for A-level = 198.95, 1st in Cameroon at the A-level (1st last year)
GCE Board Honour Roll; Mboh Helbert Shayeh (5As), Tankam Simo Shikongha (5As)
Overall ranking= O-level + A-level= 198.95+352.69=551.64, 1st in Cameroon (1st last year)
2nd overall) St Benedict’s College (SBC) Mvolye, Yaounde; 425.22 points (3rd last year)
a) O-levels; i) quantity; all 155 students passed giving 100% pass rate; 112 out of 155 students passed overall including both maths and English, giving 72.23%, 4th in Cameroon; ii) quality; the 155 students achieved a total of 563 A grades, giving an average of 3.632 A grades per student, 3.632/3.774 x 100 = 96.24%, 2nd in Cameroon; 51 out of 155 students had an A grade in maths, 32.90% of students, 3rd in Cameroon; 3 out of 155 students had an A in English, 1.94% of students.
Total O-level points = 100+72.23+96.24+32.90+1.94=303.31, 2nd in Cameroon at the O-level (3rd last year).
GCE Board Honour Roll; Dzossa Meggane Fortunee (10As and 1B), Tchakoua Landrie (10As and 1B), Zemo Temkeng Nadine (10As and 1B).
b) A-level; quantity; 69 out of 72 passed, giving 95.83% pass rate. Quality; the 72 students achieved a total of 17 A grades, giving an average of 0.2361 A grade per student, 0.2361/0.9053 x 100 = 26.08%, 5th in Cameroon.
Total points= 95.83 + 26.08= 121.91, 4th at the A-level in Cameroon (2nd last year)
Overall ranking = O level + A level = 303.31+121.91=425.22, 2nd in Cameroon (3rd last year)
3rd overall) Our Lady of Lourdes Secondary School, Bamenda; 410.05 points (2nd last year)
a) O-level: i) quantity; 100 out of 100 students passed, giving 100% pass rate; 88 out of 100 students passed overall including both maths and English, giving 88%, 2nd in Cameroon; ii) quality; the 100 students achieved 226 A grades, giving an average of 2.26 A grades per student, 2.26/3.774 x 100 = 59.88%; 38 out of 100 students had an A grade in maths, giving 38%, 2nd in Cameroon; 7 out of 100 students had an A grade in English, giving 7%, 1st in Cameroon.
Total O-level points = 100+88+59.88+38+7=292.88, 3rd at the O-level in Cameroon (2nd last year). GCE Board Honour Roll; Swi Joveta Akwanwi Okawa (10As and 1B)
b) A-level: quantity; 62 out of 68 students passed, giving 91.18% pass rate. Quality; the 68 students achieved 16 A grades, giving an average of 0.2353 A grade per student, 0.2353/3.774 x 100 = 25.99%.
Total A-level points = 91.18+25.99=117.17, 8th in Cameroon at the A-level (5th last year)
Overall ranking= O level + A level= 292.88+117.17= 410.05, 3rd in Cameroon (2nd last year)
4th overall) Presbyterian Secondary School (PSS) Mankon, Bamenda; 388.61 points(4th last year)
a) O-level: i)quantity; 112 out of 144 students passed, giving 98.25% pass rate; 76 out of 114 passed overall including both maths and English, giving 66.67%;
ii) quality; the 114 students achieved a total of 256 A grades, giving an average of 2,246 A grades per student, 2.246/3.774 x 100 = 59.50%; 34 out of 114 students got an A grade in maths, 29.82%; 3 out of 114 students had an A grade in English, 2.63%. Total O-level points = 98.25+66.67+59.50+29.82+2.63=256.87, 4th in Cameroon at the O-level (4th last year)
b) A-level: quantity; 85 out of 88 students passed, 96.59%. Quality; the 88 students got a total of 28 A grades, giving an average of 0.3182 A grade per student, 0.3182/0.9053 x 100 = 35.15%, 2nd in Cameroon. Total A-level points=96.59+35.15= 131.74, 4th in Cameroon at the A-level (4th last year).
Overall ranking= O level + A level= 256.87+131.74=388.61, 4th in Cameroon (4th last year)
5th overall) Bishop Rogan College, Small Soppo, Buea; 367.7 points (16th last year)
a) O-level: quantity; all 41 students passed, 100% pass rate; 29 out of 41 students passed overall including both maths and English, 70.73%, 5th in Cameroon ii) quality; the 41 students got a total of 68 A grades, giving an average of 1.659 A grades per student, 1.659/3.774 x 100 = 43.95%; 9 out of 41 students had an A grade in maths, 21.95%; no A grade in English, 0%.
Total O-level points = 100+70.73+43.95+21.95+0=236.63, 10th in Cameroon at the O-level (18th last year)
b) A-level: quantity; all 32 students passed, 100% pass rate. Quality; the 32 students got a total of 9 A grades, giving an average of 0.2813 A grade per student, 0.2813/0.9053 x 100= 31.07%, 3rd in Cameroon.
Total A-level points= 100+31.07=131.07, 3rd in Cameroon at the A-level (17th last year)
Overall ranking= O level + A level= 236.63+131.07=367.7, 5th in Cameroon (16th last year)
6th overall) Saker Baptist College, Limbe; 355.37 (15th last year)
a) O-level: i) quantity; all 109 students passed, 100% pass rate; 71 out of 109 students passed overall including both maths and English, 65.14%; ii) quality;the 109 students got a total of 229 A grades, giving an average of 2.1 A grades per student, 2.1/3.774 x 100 = 55.67%; 18 out of 109 students had an A grade in maths, 16.51%; 5 students had an A grade in English, 4.59%, 2nd in Cameroon.
Total O-level points=100+65.14+55.67+16.51+4.59=241.91, 6th in Cameroon at the O-level (14th last year).
GCE Board Honour Roll; Taka Nah-Jelah (11As), Mbange Likowo Germaine (10As and 1B), Enoh Ngulle Lena (10As and 1B), Prosper Ozichi Onuoha (10As and 1B), Kenfack Demanou Ingrid Carline (10As and 1B).
b) A-level: quantity; 98 out of 100 students passed, 98% pass rate. Quality; the 100 students got 14 A grades, giving an average of 0.14 A grade per student, 0.14/0.9053 x 100 =15.46%. Total A-level points= 98+15.46= 113.46, 10th in Cameroon at the A-level (16th last year).
Overall ranking= O level + A level= 241.91+113.46=355.37, 6th in Cameroon (15th last year)
7th overall) St Albert Comprehensive College, Bafut; 351.05 points (11th last year)
a) O-level: quantity; all 75 students passed, 100% pass rate; 46 out of 75 passed overall including both maths and English, 61.33%; quality; the 75 students got a total of 148 A grades, giving an average of 1.973 A grades per student, 1.973/3.774 x 100= 52.29%; 20 out of 75 students got an A grade in maths, 26.67%; no A grade in English, 0%.
Total O-level points= 100+61.33+52.29+26.67+0= 240.29, 8th in Cameroon at the O-level (7th last year)
b) A-level: quantity; 82 out of 85 passed, 96.47%; quality the 85 students got a total of 11 A grades, giving an average of 0.1294 A grade per student, 0.1294/0.9053 x 100 = 14.21%.
Total A-level points= 96.47 + 14.21= 110.76, 12th in Cameroon at the A-level(11th last year)
Overall ranking= O level + A level=240.29+110.76=351.05, 7th in Cameroon(11th last year)
8th overall) Seat of Wisdom College, Fontem; 339.79 points (8th last year)
a) O-level: i) quantity; all 65 students passed, giving 100% pass rate; 43 out of 65 students passed overall including both maths and English, 66.15%; ii) quality; the 65 students got a total of 131 A grades, giving an average of 2.015 A grades per student, 2.015/3.774 x 100 = 53.40%; 13 out of the 65 students got an A grade in maths, 20% of students; no A grade in English, 0%;
Total O level points= 100+66.15+53.40+20+0=239.55, 9th in Cameroon at the O levels (16th last year)
b) A-level: quantity; 42 out of 43 students passed, giving 97.67%; quality; the 43 students got 1A grade, giving 0.0233 A grade per student, 0.0233/0.9053 x 100 =2.57%. Total A level points= 97.67+2.57= 100.24, 16th at the A level in Cameroon (7th last year)
OVERALL ranking= O level + A level=239.55+100.24=339.79, 8th in Cameroon
9th overall) Holy Cross International, Yaounde; 330.05 points (12th last year)
a) O-level: i) quantity; all 21 students passed, 100% pass rate; 11 out of 21 students passed overall including both maths and English, 52.38% of students; ii) quality; the 21 students got 46 A grades, giving an average of 2.19 A grades per student, 2.19/3.774 x 100 = 58.04%; 4 out of 21 students got an A grade in maths, 19.05%; no A grade in English, 0%.
Total O-level points=100+52.38+58.04+19.05+0=229.47, 11th in Cameroon at the O-level (6th last year).
b) A-level: quantity; 17 out of 18 passed, 94.44%; quality;1 A grade total, giving an average of 0.0556 A grade per student, 0.0556/0.9053 x 100 = 6.14%.
Total A-level points=94.44+6.1=100.58, 14th in Cameroon at the A level (20th last year)
OVERALL ranking= O level + A level= 229.47+100.58=330.05, 9th in Cameroon
10th overall) St Bede’s College, Ashing; 328.22 points (14th last year)
a) O-level: i) quantity; 101 out of 103 passed, giving 98.06% pass rate; 59 out of 103 students passed overall including both maths and English, 57.28%; ii) quality; the 103 students got a total of 125 A grades, giving an average of 1.214 A grades per student, 1.214/3.774 x 100 = 32.16%; there were 18 A grades in maths, 17.48%; there were 3A grades in English, 2.91 %. Total O-level points = 98.06+57.28+32.16+17.48+2.91=207.89, 14th in Cameroon at the O-level (17th last year)
b) A-level: quantity; 89 out of 96 passed, 92.71%; quality; the 96 students got a total of 24 A grades, giving an average of 0.25 A grade per student, 0.25/0.9053 x 100 = 27.62%. Total A level points= 92.71+27.62=120.33, 6th in Cameroon at the A-level (12th last year)
Overall ranking= O level + A level= 207.83+120.33= 328.22, 10th in Cameroon
GCE Board Honour Roll; Biatu Nestor Wuleobake (5As)
11th overall) Amity International College, Yaounde; 323.27 points (7th last year)
a) O-level: i) quantity; 52 out of 56 passed, 92.86% pass rate; 30 out of 56 students passed overall including both maths and English, 53.57%; ii) quality; the 56 students got 120 A grades, giving an average of 2.143 A grades per student, 2.143/3.774 x 100 = 56.78%; there were 12A grades in maths, 21.43% of students; no A grade in English, 0%. Total O-level points= 92.86+53.57+56.78+21.43+0= 224.64, 12th in Cameroon at the O-level (10th last year)
b) A-level: quantity; 46 out of 50 passed, 92% pass rate; quality; 3A grades total, giving an average of 0.06 A grade per student, 0.06/0.9053 x 100 = 6.63%; Total A-level points = 92+6.63= 98.63, 21st in Cameroon at the A-level(7th last year).
Overall ranking= O level + A level= 224.64+98.63= 323.27, 11th in Cameroon.
12th overall) Presbyterian Secondary School (PSS), Bafut; 310.37 points (9th last year)
a) O-level: i) quantity; 120 out of 122 passed, 98.36% pass rate; 67 out of 122 students passed overall including both maths and English, 54.92% of students; ii) quality; the 122 students achieved a total of 139 A grades, giving an average of 1.139 A grades per student, 1.139/3.774 x 100=30.19%; there were 10 A grades in maths, 8.20%; there was 1 A grade in English, 0.007%. Total O-level points= 98.36+54.92+30.19+8.20+0.007= 191.68, 19th in Cameroon at the O-level (13th last year)
b) A-level: quantity; 111 out of 114 passed, 97.37% pass rate. Quality; 22A grades total, giving an average of 0.1930 A grade per student, 0.1930/0.9053 x 100 = 21.32%.
Total A level points= 97.37 + 21.32= 118.69, 7th in Cameroon at the A level (9th last year).
Overall ranking= O level + A level= 191.68 + 118.69= 310.37, 12th in Cameroon.
GCE Board Honour Roll; Missibi Keren-Hap Menih (5As)
13th overall) St Joseph’s College, Sasse, Buea, 305.29 points (9th last year)
O-level: i) quantity; 94 out of 95 passed overall giving 98.95% pass rate; 53 out of the 95 students passed overall including both maths and English, giving 55.79 %; ii) quality; all of the 95 students achieved a total of 110 A grades, giving an average of 1.158 A grades per student, giving 1.158/3.774 x 100= 30.68%; 6 out of 95 students had an A grade in maths, 6.32%; 1 student had an A grade in English, 1.05%. Total points for O-levels = 98.95+55.79+30.68+6.32+1.05=192.79, 18th in Cameroon at the O-level (9th last year)
A-level: i) quantity; 97 out of 98 passed, giving 98.98% pass rate; ii) quality; the 98 students achieved 12 A grades, giving an average of 0.1224 A grade per student, giving 0.1224/0.9053 x 100 =13.52% .
Total for A-level =112.5 , 11th in Cameroon at the A-level (11th last year)
Overall ranking= O-level + A-level= 192.79+112.5=305.29, 13th in Cameroon.
14th overall) Sacred Heart College, Douala; 302.49 points (5th last year)
O-level: i) quantity; 82 out of 89 passed overall giving 92.13% pass rate; out of the 89 students, 47 passed overall including both maths and English, giving 52.81%; ii) quality; all of the 89 students achieved a total of 145 A grades, giving an average of 1.629 A grades per student, giving 1.629/3.774 x 100= 43.17%; 13 out of 89 students had an A grade in maths, 14.61%; no student had an A grade in English, 0%. Total points for O-levels = 202.72, 16th in Cameroon at the O-level (4th last year)
GCE Board Honour Roll; Njiakin Allan Cluade (10As and 1B)
A-level: i) quantity; 62 out of 71 passed, giving 87.32% pass rate; ii) quality; the 71 students achieved 8 A grades, giving an average of 0.1127 A grade per student, giving 0.1127/0.9053 x 100 =12.45% .
Total for A-level =99.77, 17th in Cameroon at the A-level (8th last year)
Overall ranking= O-level + A-level= 302.49,14th in Cameroon
15th overall) Holy Infant High school, Yaounde; 301.65 points (13th last year)
(21st at the O level with 181.04 points and 15th at the A level with 120.61points)
16th overall) St Anne’s College, Limbe; 301.6 points
(20th at the O level with 186.88 points and 9th at the A level with 114.72 points)
17th overall) Bilingual Grammar school, Molyko, Buea; 263.77 points
(23rd at the A level with 97.32 points and 22nd at the O level with166.45 points)
GCE Board Honour Roll O-level; Ndze Kluvert Wung (11As), Fossung Shallom Abon (10As and 1B).
GCE Board Honour Roll A-level; Nnane Ekungwekang (5As), Daniel Elambo Atonge (5As), Noumbissi Valerie Gille Geovan (5As).
18th overall) Baptist High School (BHS), Buea; 243.97 points
( 25th at the A level with 96.14 points and 24th at the O level with 147.83 points)
19th overall) Government Bilingual High School, Bafoussam; 234.27 points
(18th at the A level with 99.22 points and 26th at the O level with 135.05 points)
20th overall) Government Bilingual High School Etoug-Ebe; 222.8 points
(26th at the A level with 84.91 points and 25th at the O level with 137.89 points)
Baptist Secondary School (BSS) Yaounde came 5th in Cameroon at the O level with 248.23 points. They did not have an A level batch that did the A level exams in 2015.