Source of raw data and Advanced Level honours list; GCE Board’s Results Booklet.

Full quantitative and qualitative analysis of results including performances in English and maths, quality of grades, ranking schools in each academic category, overall ranking of schools etc were all done by Fako News Centre.

Part A; English Language and mathematics (the core subjects)

English is the language that defines the English-speaking Cameroonian. It has to be taught well, spoken well and written well. It is the medium through which English-speaking pupils and students are taught in schools hence it is the most important subject at the Ordinary Level. This year, 89,821 candidates sat the English exam at the ‘O-Levels’ and 77,911 failed (86.74 per cent failed). In mathematical ratios, this means that out of every 100 candidates who sat the English exam, roughly 87 failed. This is very shocking. Another embarrassing statistic is that only 4 candidates in the whole country had an A grade in English language; one from Sacred Heart College Bamenda, one from Our Lady of Lourdes Bamenda, one from PSS Mankon, Bamenda and one from GBHS Etoug-Ebe. The 77,911 candidates who failed English would have to re-sit GCE O-levels in the coming year(s) if they want to study beyond high school. This is because no matter how intelligent one is, passing English language is a prerequisite for gaining admission into all institutions of higher learning in English-speaking Cameroon and the rest of the English-speaking world.

In mathematics, 86,724 candidates sat the exam and 78,568 failed (90.60 per cent failed). This is a disgrace. No wonder even though some students passed the O-levels overall, they still burst into tears because they failed English and/or maths. They and their parents knew straight away that they (students) would have to re-sit the GCE O-levels or else they would be stuck after their A-levels.


At the Advanced Level, Christine Enowmbi Tambe of Saker Baptist College, Limbe, came 1st in the whole of Cameroon with 5A grades and having the highest average score within the grade ‘A’ boundaries in all her subjects, beating every other student who had 5A grades.

The Cameroon GCE board mistakenly omitted the physics O-level results from the results booklet and so the O-levels honour list that was published was inaccurate. The board promised that the O-levels honour roll would be re-done.


The ranking of schools is based on exam results and nothing else. It is left on schools, proprietors, PTA and ex-students associations to investigate why their schools have done very well or performed below expectation. We have looked at seven measures for each school and put them under sub-measures of Quantity and Quality; five for O-levels and two for A-levels. They are;

1) O-levels;(i)Quantity: a) overall percentage pass rate, b) percentage of students who passed overall including both maths and English

(ii)Quality;a) the average number of A grades achieved, and then expressed as a percentage of the highest grade ‘A’ average in Cameroon, which was achieved by Sacred Heart College Bamenda(3.78 A grades per student), b) the percentage of students who achieved an A grade in maths, c) the percentage of students who achieved an A grade in English.

All the percentages from above are then added together to give a total score for O-levels.

2) A-levels. At the A-Levels, students specialise in what they are good at, so we use two measures only; overall percentage pass rate for Quantity and the percentage grade A average for Quality. Sacred Heart College Bamenda had the highest grade A average at the A-levels (0.9647). The two percentages above are then added together to give the total A-levels score.

And then, the Overall ranking=points for O levels plus points for A levels.


1st) Sacred Heart College, Mankon, Bamenda (557.66 points total)

O-LEVELS; (a)Quantity:(i)all111 students passed, giving 100% pass rate, (ii) 106 out of the 111 students passed overall including both maths and English, giving 95.50%, 1st in Cameroon. (b) Quality: (i)the 111 students achieved a total of 397 A grades giving an average of 3.98 A grades per student,1st in Cameroon, giving 3.98/3.98 x 100 = 100% (ii) 68 out of 111 students had an A grade in maths, 61.26% of students, 1st in Cameroon, (iii) 1 student had an A grade in English, 0.9%.

Total for ‘O’Levels = Quantity plus Quality =100+95.50+100+61.26+0.9=357.66 points.

Sacred Heart College Bamenda came 1st at the ‘O’Levels.

A-Levels: Quantity; all 85 students passed, giving 100%. Quality; the 85 students achieved a total of 82 A grades, giving an average of 0.9647 A grade per student, 1st in Cameroon (0.9647/0.9647 x 100 = 100%)

Total for A-levels= Quantity + Quality = 100+100=200 points, 1st at the Advanced level

OVERALL ranking= ‘O’level + ‘A’level= 357.66 + 200 = 557.66

The highest points total; 1st in Cameroon overall.

2nd)Our Lady Of Lourdes Secondary School, Bamenda(428.32 pts)

O-levels: Quantity; i) all 92 students passed, giving 100% (ii) 67 out of the 92 students passed overall including both maths and English, 72.83% of students, 2nd in Cameroon. Quality; i)the 92 students achieved 186 A grades, giving an average of 2.02 A grades per student, 2.02/3.78 x 100 = 53.44%, 3rd in Cameroon(ii) 29 A grades in maths,31.52% of students, 2nd in Cameroon (iii) 1 A grade in English(1.09% of students, 1st in Cameroon).

Total for ‘O’levels= Quantity + Quality= 100+72.83+53.44+31.52+1.09=258.88, 2nd at the ‘O’ levels.

A-levels; Quantity; all 103 students passed, 100% pass rate. Quality; the 103 students had a total of 69 A grades, giving an average of 0.6699 A grade per student, 0.6699/0.9647 x 100= 69.44%.

Total for ‘A’levels= quantity + quality= 100+69.44=169.44, 5th in Cameroon at the A-levels.

OVERALL ranking = ‘O’ levels + ‘A’levels= 258.88+169.44=428.32

Our Lady of Lourdes came 2nd overall in Cameroon

3rd) St Benedict’s College, Mvolye, Yaounde (409.54 points total)

O-levels; Quantity: i) 112 out of 115 passed, 97.39% pass rate (ii)31 out of 115 passed overall including both maths and English, 26.96% of students. Quality: i)the 115 students had 267 A grades, giving an average of 2.32 A grades, 2.32/3.78 x 100= 61.38%, 2nd in Cameroon, (ii) 32 A grades in maths, 27.83% of students, (iii) No A grade in English, 0%.

Total for O-levels= quantity + quality= 97.39+26.96+61.38+27.83+0=213.56, 3rd at the O- Levels.

A-LEVELS: quantity; all 54 students passed, 100% pass rate. Quality; the 54 students had 50 A grades, giving an average of 0.9259 A grade, 0.9259/0.9647 x 100= 95.98%, 2nd in Cameroon.

Total for ‘A’levels= quantity + quality= 100+95.98=195.98, 2nd at the A-levels.

OVERALL ranking=’O’levels + ‘A’levels= 195.98+213.56=409.54

St Benedicts came 3rd overall in Cameroon

4th)Presbyterian Secondary School, Mankon, Bamenda,(375.99)

O-Levels: quantity; i)134 out of 135 students passed, 99.26% pass rate, (ii) 67 out of 135 passed overall including both maths and English, 49.63% of students. Quality; i) the 135 students of 205 A grades, giving an average of 1.52 A grades, 1.52/3.78 x 100= 40.21% ii) 16 A grades in maths, 11.85% of students, iii) 1 A grade in English, 0.74% of students.

Total for O-levels=quantity+quality =99.26+49.63+40.21+11.85+0.74= 201.69 points, 5th at ‘O’levels

A-levels: quantity; all 113 students passed, 100%. Quality; 81 A grades, giving average of 0.7168, 0.7168/0.9647 x 100=74.30%.

Total for ‘A’level= 100+74.30=174.30 points, 3rd at the ‘A’level

OVERALL ranking= ‘O’levels+’A’levels=201.69+174.30=375.99 pts

PSS Mankon, Bamenda, came 4th overall in Cameroon.

5th)Sacred Heart College, Douala (362.51 points total)

O-level: quantity; i) 62 out of 66 passed, 93.94% pass rate, ii) 25 out of 66 students passed overall including both maths and English, 37.88% of students. Quality; i) the 66 students had 117 A grades, giving an average of 1.77 A grades, 1.77/3.78 x 100= 46.83%, (ii) 20 A grades in maths, 30.3% of students, 3rd in Cameroon, (iii) no A grade in English, 0% of students.

Total for O-level=quantity+quality =93.94+37.88+46.83+30.3+0=208.95 points, 4th at the O-levels

A-level: quantity; 63 out of 66 passed, 95.45% pass rate. Quality; 37 A grades total, average of 0.5606 A grade, 0.5606/0.9647 x 100=58.11%

Total for A level=quantity+quality=95.45+58.11=153.56, 8th at A-levels

OVERALL ranking= O level+A level=208.95+153.56=362.51 points

Sacred Heart College, Douala came 5th overall in Cameroon.

6th) Royal Bilingual College, Ndogbong, Douala (339.24 points total)

O-level: quantity; i)33 out of 35 passed, 94.29% pass rate, ii) 9 out of 35 students passed overall including both maths and English, 25.71% of students. Quality; i) total of 55 A grades, giving an average of 1.57 A grades, 1.57/3.78 x 100= 41.53%, ii) 5 A grades in maths, 14.29% of students, iii) no A grade in English, 0% of students.

Total for O-level=quantity+quality =94.29+25.71+41.53+14.29.0=175.82 points, 12th at the O-level.

A-level: quantity; 21 out of 23 passed, 91.3% pass rate. Quality; 16 A grades total, average of 0.6957 A grade, 0.6957/0.9647 x 100= 72.12%

Total for A level= quantity+quality= 91.3+72.12=163.42, 6th at A-level

OVERALL ranking= O level+A level=175.82+163.42=339.24, 6th .

Royal Bilingual College Ndogbong, Douala, came 6th in Cameroon

7th) Amity International College, Yaounde (326.52 points total)

O-level: quantity; i) 32 out of 36 passed, 88.89% pass rate, ii) 11 out of 36 passed overall including both maths and English, 30.56% of students. Quality; i) 59 A grades total, giving average of 1.64 A grades, 1.64/3.78 x 100= 43.39%, ii) 6 A grades in maths, 16.67% of students, iii) no A grade in English, 0%.

Total for O-level=quantity+quality= 88.89+30.56+43.39+16.67+0=179.51 points, 10th at the O-levels

A-level: quantity; 36 out of 40 passed, 90% pass rate. Quantity; 22 A grades total, giving average of 0.55 A grade, 0.55/0.9647 x100=57.01%

Total for A-level= 90+57.01=147.01 points, 10th at the A –levels.

OVERALL ranking= ‘O’level+’A’level= 179.51+147.01=326.52 points

Amity International College Yaounde came 7th in Cameroon.

8th) Seat of Wisdom College, Fontem (323.96 points total)

O-LEVEL: quantity; i) 66 out of 68 passed, 97.06% pass rate, ii) 23 out of 68 passed overall including both maths and English, 33.82% of students. Quality; i) 70 A grades total, giving an average of 1.03 A grades, 1.03/3.78 x 100= 27.25%, ii) 6 A grades in maths, 8.82% of students, iii) no A grade in English, 0%.

Total for O-level= quantity+quality= 97.06+33.82+27.25+8.82+0=166.95 points, 16th at O-level

A-level: quantity; all 60 students passed, 100% pass rate. Quality; 33 A grades total, giving an average of 0.55 A grade, 0.55/0.9647 x 100= 57.01%.

Total for A-level= quantity+quality= 100+57.01=157.01, 7th at A-level

OVERALL ranking= O-level+A-level= 166.95+157.01=323.96 points

Seat of Wisdom came 8th overall in Cameroon

9th) Presbyterian Secondary School, Bafut (322.64 points total)

O-LEVEL: quantity;i) 97 out of 102 passed, 95.1% pass rate, ii) 36 out of 102 passed overall including both maths and English, 35.29% of students. Quality; i) 124 A grades total, giving an average of 1.22 A grades, 1.22/3.78 x 100=32.28%, ii) 12 A grades in maths, 11.76% of students, iii) no A grade in English, 0%.

Total for O-level=95.1+35.29+32.28+11.76+0=174.43, 13th at O-level

A-LEVEL: quantity;all 129 passed, 100% pass rate.Quality; 60 A grades total,giving an average of 0.4651 A grade, 0.4651/0.9647 x100=48.21%

Total for A-level= quantity+quality=100+48.21=148.21, 9th at A-level

OVERALL ranking= O-level + A-level=174.43+148.21=322.64 points

PSS Bafut came 9th overall in Cameroon

10th) St Joseph’s College Sasse, Buea (322.61 points total)

O-LEVEL: quantity; i) all 72 students passed, 100% pass rate, ii) 36 out of 72 students passed overall including both maths and English, 50% of students, 3rd in Cameroon. Quality; i) 79 A grades total, giving an average of 1.097 A grades per student, 1.097/3.78 x 100= 29.02%, ii) 6 A grades in maths, 8.33% of students, iii) no A grade in English, 0%.

Total for O-level=quantity + quality= 100+50+29.02+8.33+0=187.35, 9th at the O-levels.

A-LEVEL: quantity; all 97 passed, 100% pass rate. Quality; 33 A grades total, average of 0.3402 A grade, 0.3402/0.9647 x 100=35.26%

A-level total=quantity+quality=100+35.26=135.26, 11th at the A-level

OVERALL ranking=O-level + A-level= 187.35+135.26= 322.61 points

Sasse College came 10th overall in Cameroon.

11th) St Albert Comprehensive College, Bafut (318.83 points total)

O-LEVEL: quantity; i) 73 out of 76 passed, 96.05% pass rate, ii) 36 out of 76 passed overall including both maths and English, 47.37% of students, 5th in Cameroon. Quality; i) 95 A grades total, average of 1.25 A grades, 1.25/3.78 x 100= 33.07%, ii) 14 A grades in maths, 18.42% of students, iii) no A grade in English, 0%.

O-level total= quantity+quality= 96.05+47.37+33.07+18.42+0=194.91

7th at the O-levels.

A-LEVEL: quantity; 85 out of 87 passed, 97.7% pass rate. Quality; 22 A grades total, giving an average of 0.2529 A grade, 0.2529/0.9647 x 100= 26.22%.

A-level total=Quantity+quality= 97.7+26.22= 123.92 points, 14th in Cameroon

OVERALL ranking= O-level + A-level= 194.91+123.92= 318.83 points

St Albert College Bafut came 11th overall in Cameroon.

12th) Holy Cross International, Yaounde (302.17 points total)

O-LEVEL: quantity; i) 18 out of 20 passed, 90% pass rate, ii) 9 out of 20 passed overall including both maths and English, 45% of students. Quality; i) 38 A grades total, giving an average of 1.9 A grade per student, 1.9/3.78 x 100=50.26%, 4th in Cameroon, ii) 2 A grades in maths, 10% of students, iii) no A grade in English, 0%.

O-level total= quantity+quality=90+45+50.26+10+0=195.26 points,

6th at the O-levels

A-LEVEL: quantity; all 15 passed, 100% pass rate. Quality; 1 A grade total, average of 0.0667 A grade, 0.0667/0.9647 x 100=6.91%

A-level total=quantity+quality=100+6.91=106.91, 20th at the A-levels

OVERALL ranking= O-level + A-level=195.26+106.91=302.17 pts

Holy Cross International Yaounde came 12th overall in Cameroon

13th) Holy Infant High School, Yaounde (302.12 points total)

O-LEVEL: quantity; i) 52 out of 59 passed, 88.14% pass rate, ii) 11 out of 59 passed overall including both maths and English, 18.64% of students. Quality; i) 45 A grades total, giving an average of 0.763, 0.763/3.78 x 100= 20.19%, ii) 2 A grades in maths, 3.39% of students, iii) No A grade in English, 0%.

O-level total=quantity+quality= 88.14+18.64+20.19+3.39+0=130.36

24th at the O-levels

A-LEVEL: quantity; 52 out of 52 passed, 100% pass rate. Quality; 36 A grades total, average of 0.6923, 0.6923/0.9647 x 100= 71.76%,

A-level total=quantity+quality=100+71.76=171.76, 4th at the A-levels

OVERALL ranking=O-levels+A-levels=130.36+171.76=302.12 points

Holy Infant High School Yaounde came 13th overall in Cameroon

14th) St Bedes College Ashing (294.79 points total)

O-LEVEL: quantity; i) 80 out of 83 passed, 96.39% pass rate, ii) 27 out of 83 passed overall including both maths and English, 32.53% of students. Quality; i) 58 A grades total, average of 0.699 A grade, 0.699/3.78 x 100=18.49%, ii) 11 A grades in maths, 13.25% of students, iii) no A grade in English, 0%.

O-level total=quantity+quality=96.39+32.53+18.49+13.25+0=160.66

17th at the O-level

A-LEVEL: quantity; all 82 students passed, 100% pass rate. Quality; 27 A grades total, 0.3293 average, 0.3293/0.9647 x 100=34.13%.

A-level total=100+34.13=134.13 points, 12th at the A-levels

OVERALL ranking=O-level+A-level= 160.66+134.13=294.79 points

St Bedes College Ashing came 14th overall in Cameroon.

15th) Saker Baptist College, Limbe (293.24 points total)

O-LEVEL: quantity; i)111 out of 119 passed, 93.28% pass rate, ii) 45 out of 119 passed overall including both maths and English, 37.82% of students. Quality; i) 108 A grades total, giving an average of 0.908 A grade per student, 0.908/3.78 x 100= 24.02%, ii) 18 A grades in maths, 15.13% of students, iii) no A grade in English, 0%.

O-level total=quantity+quality=93.28+37.82+24.02+15.13+0=170.25

14th at the O-levels

A-LEVEL: quantity; 113 out of 118 passed, 95.76% pass rate. Quality; 31 A grades total, giving an average of 0.2627 A grade per student, 0.2627/0.9647 x 100= 27.23%.

A-level total=quantity+quality=95.76+27.23=122.99, 16th at the A-level

OVERALL ranking=O-level+A-level=170.25+122.99=293.24 points

Saker Baptist College Limbe came 15th overall in Cameroon.

16th) Bishop Rogan College, Small Soppo, Buea (281.39 points total)

O-LEVEL: quantity; i) all 54 passed, 100% pass rate, ii) 14 out of 54 passed overall including both maths and English, 25.93% of students. Quality; i) 50 A grades total, giving an average of 0.926 A grade, 0.926/0.9647 x 100=24.50%, ii) 5 A grades in maths, 9.26% of students, iii) no A grade in English, 0%.

O-level total=quantity+quality=100+25.93+24.50+9.26+0=159.69

18th at the 0-levels

A-LEVEL: quantity; all 43 passed, 100% pass rate. Quality; 9 A grades total, giving 0.2093 average A grade per student, 0.2093/0.9647 x 100 = 21.70%.

A-level total=quantity+quality=100+21.7=121.7, 17th at the A levels

OVERALL ranking=O-levels+A-levels=159.69+121.7=281.39 pts

Bishop Rogan College came 16th overall in Cameroon

17th) Laval Bilingual College, Makope, Douala (268.29 points)

O-LEVEL: quantity; i) 57 out of 61 passed, 93.44% pass rate, ii)10 out of 61 passed overall including both maths and English, 16.39% of students. Quality; i) 76 A grades total, giving an average of 1.25 A grades per student, 1.25/3.78 x 100= 33.07%, ii) 7 A grades in maths, 11.48% of students, iii) no A grade in English, 0%.

O-level total=quantity+quality=93.44+16.39+33.07+11.48+0=154.38

20th at the O-levels

A-LEVEL: quantity; 41 out of 46 passed, 89.13% pass rate. Quality; 11 A grades total, average of 0.2391 A grade, 0.2391/0.9647 x100= 24.78 pts

A-level total=quantity+quality=89.13+24.78=113.91, 17th at A-level

OVERALL ranking=O-level+A-level=154.38+113.91=268.29 points

Laval Bilingual College Douala came 17th overall in Cameroon.

18th) Presbyterian Girls Secondary School Limbe (PGSS), 247.99

O-LEVEL: quantity; i) 84 out of 91 passed, 93.33% pass rate, ii) 18 students passed overall including both maths and English, 20% of students. Quality; i) 89 A grades total, giving an average of 0.989 A grade per student, 0.989/3.78 x 100= 26.16%, ii) 4 A grades in maths, 4.44% of students, iii) no A grade in English, 0%.

O-level total=quantity+quality=93.33+20+26.16+4.44+0=143.93

21st at the O-level

A-LEVEL: quantity; 51 out of 52 passed, 98.08% pass rate. Quality; 3 A grades total, average of 0.0577 A grade, 0.0577/0.9647 x 100=5.98%

A-level total= 98.08 + 5.98=104.06, 24th in at A-level

OVERALL ranking=O-level + A-level= 143.93+104.06=247.99 points

PGSS Limbe came 18th overall in Cameroon

19th) Baptist High School (BHS), Buea, 243.53 points total

O-LEVEL: quantity; i) 79 out of 83 students passed, 95.18% pass rate, ii) 22 out of 83 students passed overall including both maths and English, 26.51% of students. Quality; i) 40 A grades total, average of 0.482 A grade per student, 0.482/3.78 x 100=12.75%, ii) 4 A grades in maths, 4.82% of students, iii) no A grade in English, 0%.

O-level total=quantity+quality=95.18+26.51+12.75+4.82+0=139.26 pts

22nd at the O-level

A-LEVEL: quantity; 96 out of 104 passed, 92.31% pass rate. Quality; 12 A grades total, giving 0.1154 A grade, 0.1154/0.9647 x100=11.96%

A-level total= quantity+quality=92.31+11.96=104.27, 23rd at the A-level

OVERALL ranking= O-level+A-level=139.26+104.27=243.53 points

Baptist High School (BHS) Buea came 19th overall in Cameroon.

20th) Government Bilingual High School (GBHS) Bafousam, 237.68

O-LEVEL: quantity; i) 187 out of 254 passed, 73.62% pass rate, ii) 25 out of 254 passed overall including both maths and English, 9.84% of students. Quality; i) 204 A grades total, 0.803 grade A average, 0.803/3.78 x 100= 21.24%, ii) 25 A grades in maths, 9.84% of students, iii) no A grade in English, 0%.

O-level total=quantity+quality=73.62+9.84+21.24+9.84+0=114.54 pts

26th at the O-level

A-LEVEL: quantity; 248 out of 278 passed, 89.21% pass rate. Quality; 91 A grades total, average of 0.3273 A grade, 0.3273/0.9647x100=33.93%,

A-level total= 89.21+33.93=123.14, 15th at A-level

OVERALL ranking= O-level+A-level=114.54+123.14=237.68 points

GBHS Bafousam came 20th overall in Cameroon

21st ) GBHS Etoug-Ebe, 225.93 points total

22nd ) Diligent Bilingual Academy, Kumba, 218.68 points total

23rd) Government Bilingual Practising High School, Yaounde, 216.31 pts

24th) English High School Yaounde, 211.81 points total

25th) Bilingual Grammar School, Molyko, Buea, 210.76 points total

The following schools did well at the O-levels but were not included in the overall ranking because they do not yet have an A-level batch that did the A-level exam.

They are: Baptist Secondary School Yaounde, 8th at the O-levels; St Anne’s High School, Limbe, 11th at the O-levels; St Theresa International School, Buea, 15th at the O-levels; PSS Douala, 19th at the O-levels.


The following students each had 5A grades at the Advanced level, scoring the maximum 25 points. They are listed by order of merit.

1st) Christine Enowmbi Tambe of Saker Baptist College Limbe (2nd) Nkongyum Prosper Akwo of Bilingual Grammar Sch. Molyko, Buea (3rd) Nelson Nyamnyor of GBHS Tiko (4th)Ngund Tonji Johnathan Willy of GHS Bokwaongo, Buea (5th) Muweh Ansem Tangue of CCAS Kumba (6th)Ngwainbi Durel Ankiambom of GHS Belo (7th) Chokote Yankam Jorim of Amity Int. College Yaounde (8th) Kemguimatio Kenfack Jordan of Holy Infant High Sch. Yaounde (9th) Isaac Ndumbe Jackai II of GBHS Yaounde (10th) Ndamdja Njossu Christian Arthur of GBHS Bafoussam (11th) Fonyuy Boris Lami of GBHS Kumbo (12th) Nzotsa Djoukeng Sophie of GBHS Kumbo (13th) Dounemene Theophile Alban of GBHS Etoug-Ebe (14th) Visas Vikumitsi Tah of Sacred Heart College, Bamenda (15th) Yembu Ngwengi of Sared Heart College Bamenda (16th) Ngohteh Livinus Lopiekeh of CCAST Bambili (17th) Dondji Fogang Wilfrief Tanezick of Sacred Heart College Bamenda (18th) Niba Puissance Osworld of GHS Bafut (19th) Ida Kwam Injei Ngongkum of Our Lady of Lourdes Bamenda (20th) Mouome Ornella Paciolli of Our Lady of Lourdes Bamenda (21st) Akofor Nkecho Thierry Bienvenue of PSS Bafut (22nd) Tcheukounang K. Grace Ruphine S of PSS Bafut (23rd) Mingo Kevin Fuongki of PSS Mankon Bamenda (24th) Inda Daisy-Sophia Kwende of PSS Mankon Bamenda (25th) Afopezi Mbumboh Happy of PSS Mankon Bamenda (26th) Awah Jeremiah Acuro of GBHS Etoug-Ebe (27th) Londe Kevin Kajug of GBHS Atiela (28th) Nkembi Armel Asongu of Seat of Wisdom Fontem (29th)Jervis Chinemerem Ezeukwu of CCAS Kumba (30th) Obi Bessem Flaurantine of CCAS Kumba (31st) Eruck Emmanuel Nfor of CCAS Kumba (32nd) Bakungwe Fokunang Frank of GBPHS Yaounde.